Friday 11 June 2010

Redistributing blood during exercise 4.2

The vascular system can redistribute blood to those tissues with the greatest demand and away from areas that have less demand for oxygen, at rest 15-20% of circulating blood supplies skeletal muscles, during exercise this increases to 80-85% of cardiac output blood is taken away from major organs like the kidneys, liver, stomach etc, it is then redirected to the skin to promote heat loss following exercise the heart rate remains elevated before slowly recovering to a resting level.
Exercise places an increased demand on the cardiovascular system, oxygen demand by the muscle increases sharply, metabolic processes speed up and move waste (CO2) is created more nutrients are used and body temperature rises to preform as effectively as possible the cardiovascular system must regulate these changes and meet the bodies increasing demands.
The resting heart beats approximately 60-80 beats per minute in a adult, increasing to 110-130 beats during intense exercise.

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