Sunday 6 June 2010

Cardiac Output 3.4

Cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped by the heart per min ( mL blood/min) cardiac output is a function of heart rate and stroke volume, the heart rate is simply the number of beats per minute, the stroke volume is the volume of blood in millitres (mL) pumped out of the heart with each beat.

Q=SVxHR (Q= cardiac output) ( SV=stroke volume) (HR=heart rate)

An average person has a resting heart rate of 70 beats per min and a resting stroke volume of 70mL per beat.

the total volume of blood in circulatory system of a average person is approx 5 litres (5000mL)

We measure a persons heart rate by counting the beats minute of the pulse. a pulse is where the vein crosses over a bone, for example in the wrist.

measuring cardiac output is very important as it allows us to know how healthy a heart is, if allows us to know if the heart is under stress or pressure, like heart failure.

The heart also has its own pacemaker which is connected to the SA node at the top of the heart.

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