Saturday 5 June 2010

Diet, Blood Pressure and 5.2

Peoples lifestyles and work pressures today means we can have bad diets and we don't tend to think about what we eat, we eat on the go and our bodies don't have a chance to digest the food properly.
We eat take aways and ready prepared meals many of the these contain saturated fats and sugars, we don't think of the huge risks when eating them, there have been lots of studies that suggest there is a link to high blood pressure and cholesterol this will eventually become heart disease.

If our diet contains loads of fat we become overweight or obese and these can lead to heart disease and heart attacks, these is because our arteries become clogged with fatty deposits and less blood flows around the body and the heart has to work harder, it finds it hard to cope with the demands made upon it.
Cholesterol is transported around the body in our blood stream, it is made up of fats and protein called lipoprotein. we need cholesterol in our body we use it in our digestive system to neutralise fats. the liver converts the high intake of fats, to much fat in our system raises our cholesterol and sticks to the side of the blood vessels causing plaque to build up, two thirds of adults have high cholesterol and this increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and angina.
If the fatty deposits break off and floats around the blood stream, one of the arteries can become blocked and cause a clot leading to a stroke or heart failure, doctors will prescibe statins to reduce the effects of cholesterol.

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